Tag: Alaska

  • RunOut #108: Colin Haley and the Lifelong Epic Quest of Alpinism

    RunOut #108: Colin Haley and the Lifelong Epic Quest of Alpinism

    Our guest today is one of the all-time great alpinists of our time. Colin Haley joins to the show in the wake of an uneventful trip to Alaska, and explains why such missions are part of a healthy approach to pursuing a lifetime of adventure and alpine climbing in the mountains. But first, your hosts…

  • RunOut #81: The Sanctity of Space

    RunOut #81: The Sanctity of Space

    What’s better: cragging it up in a full-on scene filled with gumbies and noobs, spray bros and crusher queens? Or going off to some obscure choss pile in the middle of nowhere and enjoying the quiet solitude of nature all by yourself? We debate the pros and cons of scenes vs solitude and come to…